nu ve ns a n d a r n a s nu ve ns


I don't wanna go but I don't wanna stay either.
There's a space of mind in between where I feel I could find the peace I need.

Can I have a bag or two of that peace please?

I need it to untie the nots I have inside.
I'm tired. I'm always tired. I'm tired of being tired.

God, for how long is this gonna last?
I wish I had the faith...

All this shit is a trap.
All this postmodern/globalized/eclectic/hyper-industrialized world is a trap.

I'm tired of being me without being able to be myself.

It was all a lie in the end. We're all a bunch of puppets.
No reactions to be invented, no imagination to be developed, no barriers to overcome.

Why the fuck did I choose this?
It would be so much easier to seat on the fence and look around.

It's a pact with the devil that's what it is.
The devil of reality.
I don't need fucking reality in my life.
It' so fake it makes me sick.

I wanna sleep and dream forever.
And forget all I know.

3 comentários:

Utopia propria disse...

porque é k todas as pessoas passam pelas msm merdas, sentem as msm merdas.. e acabam sempre por preferir a ilusão do bem estar...

Será k temos futuro? Não... Estamos a trabalhar para kem?... De k vale estudar?...

Queria-te fazer inumeras perguntas MArtha mas infelizmente creio k tenho as respostas todas...

public pervert disse...

O que é feito de ti?

betânia liberato disse...

all the same shit..
boa escrita*